NINTENDO DS in Schools

Currently adding some final touches (quite a few to be honest) to my SAGT presentation for next Saturday, and the Scottish Association of Geography Teachers' conference. I have a lot of Scottish 'chums': some of whom I have never met, others I have met once or twice (such as at Teachmeet a couple of weeks ago) and a few I have met numerous times. There seems to be a greater willingness to embrace the use of technology in the classroom in Scotland than other areas.
One recent project, which attracted a great deal of national press attention related to the use of NINTENDO DS consoles and the DR. KAWASHIMA BRAIN TRAINING GAME. Visit the LTS page where you can read about the project which involved Dundee schools, and the work of Derek Robertson and colleagues.

Here is Derek on BBC News: I watched this at the time:

Picked up my local paper today, and there on the front cover was a report on a local school which have bought consoles for use later this year. It will be interesting to see what the reaction to the scheme is locally.

A coincidence here is that I'm going to be at the school tonight as I'm running a Charity Quiz Night for the King's Lynn branch of Soroptimists International, which is held in the hall at the same school. Hopefully, I can arrange to go and take a look at how the project goes...
