Cars 3

“When I finished directing Toy Story 2 at the end of 1999, I took my family on a cross-country motor home trip. My life had been driven by deadlines. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines. And on that trip I learned a lesson: that the journey in life is the reward. It’s not about the destination, it’s the journey.”
John Lasseter

Went to see this film earlier in the week, and it was a return to form after the misfire of Cars 2 when the story switched to a sort of James Bond spoof thing... This was a nice return to the importance of racing, but also about the need to be mentored, and recognise the time to change roles from requiring mentoring to giving something back...

One of the best scenes was a cross-country road trip, with little cameos of landscapes and weather as has been done in previous films.
There were also some great scenes, and stunning animation around the Thomasville racetrack where Lightning discovers about the past of his mentor the Hudson Hawk.

I also liked the short film LOU about a Lost and Found box reuniting lost property with its owners...

Image Copyright: Disney/Pixar
